
Saturday 18 April 2015

My Bucket List

This is one of my favourite topic type of blog posts/Youtube videos to watch, I just love listening/reading about what people want to achieve, or where they'd love to visit. There is something nice about hearing people have dreams and aspirations especially when the younger generation seem to think that having goals is silly and not something to talk about.

I have always wanted to tell people about things I'd love to achieve in my lifetime but it is much easier writing it down rather than speaking about it, It's something that is personal to you, so you don't always want to put things out there to just anyone. But here is 'My Bucket List' I hope you enjoy. 
Travel the World
Now this seems to be something most people would love to do, I cant imagine anyone not wanting to see the planet we live on, it's just something that not the easiest to achieve. I would take a lot of time and its not free either, but one day when I'm old I'd love to be able to say "I've been there" when pointing at several places on a globe.
The 7 Wonders of the World
Now this ties in with the first one and quite a few of my others do as well, but this one especially has been something I've wanted to do ever since I was young. I remember looking in books and seeing the Pyramids or The Great Wall of China and thinking "what is this amazing thing?" and ever since I've heard and known about 'The 7 Wonders of the World' I've wanted to visit them all. 
Visit Thailand, Australia, South America, Russia and Africa
Again ties in with the first two but if I only ever get a chance to visit a limited amount of places, these 5 would be them. Now I know mentioning a continent is a bit vague but Australia for example, I would love to live there for six months to a year and get the whole experience, same goes for South America and Africa. 
African Safari
Doing an African safari again has been something I've wanted to do since I was young, the thought of seeing such amazing animals in their natural habitat sounds incredible! I cant think of a trip id love to do more, of course I've seen animals such as Lions, Giraffes etc in zoos-which is something I don't think is fair and don't agree with-but its no where near the same type of experience you would get from an African safari!
Bring out my own cookery book
Now cooking is a huge passion and love in my life, ever since I was old enough I've loved helping my parents in the kitchen and then later on taking it as a GCSE and going on to becoming a qualified chef at college, so if I ever got the chance to write my own cookery book I would be ecstatic, this is something I definitely plan to do!
Have My Own Business 
Yes, I know this sounds vague also but as of yet I'm not quite sure what I'd like to do, I have ideas of course, maybe I'd open up a cookery school, own a cafe or delicatessen, these don't seem like something a nineteen year old would like to do, but I'm thinking aiming for this one when I'm in the thirties, something I can put my all into and retire with. 
 Go to Coachella
When that time of the year comes around, when its posted all over social media, celebs are writing about it, I feel depressed that I'm not there! Okay, depressed is a slight exaggeration but I want to go-BADLY! There are so many festivals around the globe that I would love to go to, Oktoberfest, Holi-India, Glastonbury, lantern festival in Taiwan, the list goes on! but Coachella is definitely in my top 5!  
*Photos from Google, pinterest and, words and opinions expressed are my own unless stated otherwise*

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