
Wednesday 29 April 2015

The Liebster Award

Firstly I would like to start off by saying thank you to Katelyn Mcphee for my Liebster Award and for the chance to interact with many more bloggers. For those who don't know the award only exists on the internet and is given to bloggers by bloggers. (for those I've nominated, keep reading)

The rules
1. Thank and link the person who nominated you
2. Answer the nominators 11 questions
3. Nominate small blogs with under 200 followers and notify and link them in your post
4. Create 11 new questions for your nominees to answer

Questions I was asked..

1. How long have you been blogging and how long do you plan to keep it going?
I have been blogging for just under a month as a hobby in my spare time and i plan to keep it going for as long as i enjoy it and it makes me happy.

2. What's your favourite tv show?
I have so many! Few of my favourites are One Tree Hill, Pretty Little Liars, The Vampire Diaries, The Walking Dead, Bates Motel-the list goes on!

3. Do you prefer chocolate or vanilla?
That's a tough one because it depends how I'm having them, definitely chocolate desserts but then I love vanilla scented Candles and body sprays. 

4. How many languages can you speak and what are they?
Technically just the one English, but I can speak a little French also I took it as a GCSE but I mainly know the basics (hehe) I want to learn to speak a few though. 

5. What's your guilty Pleasure?
Foreign supermarkets-I just love going into them even chinese markets, dont even know why i just love them-also Cheryl Cole songs...

6. What's your favourite comfort food?
Pizza or Chinese takeaway-thin pizza topped with chicken, pesto, spinach, tomatoes, feta*heart eyes emoji* pizza is my no.1. 

7. Do you prefer over the ear headphones of ear buds?
100% ear buds and I'm boring and love the ones that come with the iPhones. 

8. Are you a hummer or a singer in the car?
Definitely a singer! Always have been, one thing i love is that me and my boyfriend just sing constantly when we're in the car.

9. Is your blog/blog theme the way you like it or do you want to change it?
Yes, I am really happy with the way my blog is at the minute but I'm sure it'll change in the future :)

10. Do you have pets? If so what kind/s and their names?
I only have a cat right now and she literally is my baby, she's a black tabby called mojo-although I call her Moj or Mr kitty most of the time. I am soon getting a female Doberman though :) 

11. What's your favourite season?
I really like spring and autumn, I'm not sure why maybe because its when the seasons change and grow, things are more colourful i think in those seasons.

12. Are you an early bird or a night owl?
A bit of a mixture really, I love waking up feeling fresh and ready for the day as there so much time to do things but then I tend to always stay up-it's currently 01:08am-so I kind of have a messed up sleeping pattern right now ha ha

So there are all the questions I was asked and the blogs I would like to nominate are...Juneplanetxo, Greyscale pallet and Kemsbasicbeauty

My questions to you...

1. How long have you been blogging and why did you start?
2. If you could have anything right now, what would it be?
3. Favourite celebrity couple?
4. What is you favourite movie?
5. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
6. Heels or flats?
7. What is you favourite time of the year?
8. What is your favourite comfort food?
9. What is your favourite quote?
10. Favourite song right now?
11. Skincare or make-up item you couldn't live without?

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